WordPress HTTP Error (Image Upload Error)


A Brief Overview About The “HTTP Image Upload Error” In WordPress

“HTTP image upload error”, or simply “HTTP error”, is a common issue that occurs in WordPress. Many users have experienced this type of error. Since, the issue is not very critical in nature, therefore, it does not pose any serious effects to the users, or their WordPress site and data. 

However, the ‘HTTP image upload error’ issue can be quite annoying, and sometimes, a user may have a hard time finding an effective solution to get rid of the error as quick as possible.

HTTP image upload error

How It Is Caused

When a user tries to upload one or more image files to his/her WordPress using the built-in WordPress Media Uploader tool, sometimes, an unwanted error occurs and is immediately displayed on the user’s desktop screen. That is where you get the generic ‘HTTP error’.

The error message looks like the one that is given below.

Error message:

HTTP error

As you can see, the error message does not describe the issue, which might make it difficult for certain WordPress beginners to understand the issue clearly in order to take up measures to quickly fix it.

The ‘HTTP error’ or ‘HTTP image upload error’ issue can occur in WordPress due to a couple of reasons. The possible reasons are:

  • Corrupt image file

  • Unsupported image format/type

  • Unsupported image file size

  • Lack of available memory

  • Problem with the image editor library

  • High web traffic

  • Low server resources

  • WordPress hosting

These are hits of being the possible reasons due to which the ‘HTTP error’ or ‘HTTP image upload error’ issue occurs in WordPress.

Resolve “HTTP Image Upload Error” In WordPress – Contact Experts At Codexoxo

How do you fix the issue? The ‘HTTP error’ or ‘HTTP image upload error’ issue can be fixed by performing the methods of analysing and identifying the root cause that has led to the occurrence of the issue.

If you are able to detect the cause of the error, like the ones that are mentioned above, it will become much easier for a user to correct the problem in WordPress.

In order to diagnose and resolve the ‘HTTP image upload error’ in WordPress effectively, it is necessary that you make a few important checks as given below:

  • You are using a supported image file format/type before uploading
  • The image file should not be corrupt or damaged
  • The image file you are uploading complies with WordPress’ file size rule
  • Ensure you have sufficient memory allocated in WordPress for file upload
  • If the problem occurs with Imagick module, switch to the GD library module as your image editor library
  • Ensure your web hosting is not capping bandwidth which can slow down the process of uploading images and cause the error

If you need technical assistance to fix the ‘HTTP error’ issue in WordPress, our support experts at Codexoxo can guide you. You can contact the support experts on the toll-free phone number <enter-phone-number> and get assistance immediately.

Our WordPress support services are open 24/7. Easily find solutions to WordPress errors. Also, get suggestions from our experts for a better experience.

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